STAM Intelligence Division providing intelligence and investigative services to corporate and government, a variety of intelligence services by monitoring and analyzing data sources through advance statistical, linguistic, and crowd sourcing techniques. Delivers human analysis with effective fusion of human, social network and cyber based intelligence sources supporting real time decision making. STAM is able to organize intelligence collection and activities, their assessment and analysis production, and their subsequent dissemination to the various customers who have a need to know. It designs the intelligence reporting formats and processes that kept informed decision makers. Through specialized intelligence activities, STAM team is able to mitigate conflicts in complex environments. Through specific communication strategies, STAM teams are able to communicate with the parties in conflict to prevent violence and decrease deep-rooted tensions. For centuries the Italian experience in communications, has allowed to talk to everyone, managing to mitigate both internal and international crises, overcoming any cultural divide through action of specific intelligence. We talk with those with whom others do not speak, comparing ourselves to resolve crises and conflicts, creating liaisons.
STAM Intelligence Division provide accurate information’s to client around world, including:
- Humint/targeted engagement activities
Humint targeted engagement activities provides tips succinct and focused on current and future threats for customers who need to operate in hostile and volatile environments worldwide. The Humint activities help to develop a network of reliable sources on areas of interest for STAM customers’. Using the latest technology, the STAM Intelligence division offers fast, high quality and easily accessible service. Some Humint/targeted engagement activities products are:
- Strategic Operations Center (SOC)
The SOC delivers a 24/7 security alert service on major security-critical events and anthropic risks (Terrorism, Narco-Terrorism, War, Civil War, Insurgence, Strikes & Riots, Kidnapping, Default, Political Interference, Illegal Detentions & Missing Persons) in the region using a special team of experienced Human Intelligence (HUMINT) field officers. Clients also receive authoritative “post incident analyses” to advise on how security events may impact their business & personnel.
- Situational Report (SITREP)
SITREP is a series of weekly updates, principal briefings, board summaries, and alerts on security-related issues. SITREPs cover a wide range of countries in the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, South America, and the Pacific Rim.
- Risk Reduction Triggers (RRT’s)
RRT’s provide expert assessments on developments that may impact a client’s specific interests and concerns. Our HUMINT Division uses a statistical approach to underpin its qualitative research and tailors the measured data to a list defined, agreed, and kept under constant review by STAM and its clients.
- Commissioned Reports
The commissioned report allows a Client to task Humint Div’s expert team on single issues of very specific – and often highly confidential – interest to their business.
Humint Div. coordinates its reports with an internationally-recognized polling organization that can add significant insights to our research into countries, locations and specific issues.
- Executive Insight Briefings (EIB)
The EIB gives clients the chance to hear expert and authoritative briefings across the full range of threat and risk issues. Our HUMINT Division can arrange these briefings either in conjunction with the above reports or as a stand-alone service.
- Analyst and Assessment Detail (AAD)
The Analyst and Assessment Detail provides clients with the services of our expert analysts for a limited period to complete a specific piece of research or to work full or part-time with your corporate security team.